Recently, the White Oak Ladies have come to a regrettable decision where they can no longer play more than 1 Home and 1 Away fixture in the League, this season or any future. This has been discussed by the KITL Management Committee, who feel it is in the interest of all to allow this to stand, and just count their first home and away scores for the League standings. Unfortunately this meant Prince Arthur having their recent away win at White Oak, rescinded, and for White Oak’s eighth, and final fixture, away at Oyster on 2 April, to be played and count towards League standings. The League table has been duly amended.
Dartford Stone Lodge will soon be fixing re-spots to their green, however, due to limitations on size, their two end rinks (1 & 6) will only have re-spots on the inner side of the rink, meaning that if the jack goes off ditch side a ‘dead end’ will have to be played. This has been approved by your KITL Management Committee. (Dated 17 Nov 24).
Would all Captains please ensure that the score report sheets are being compiled correctly. Please remember to show what the type of match is (MEN’S / LADIES / MIXED), the names, signatures and contact details of BOTH Captains, and whether members of the opposite sex have been used. I am receiving your score sheets in on time, which is good. Thank you. Dave Bartlett (Results Secretary)